Talk (with Susanne Fuchs & Bodo Winter) at the 67th Annual Meeting of the General Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs; TeaP) in Frankfurt, Germany. Title: “How gestures can affect the interpretation of speech”
Talk (with Marta Herget & Paul Koenig) at the ViCom Workshop Dimensions of Iconicity in the Visual Modality in Göttingen, Germany. Title: “Iconicity in autological words and other lexical concepts”
Talk in the Tokio-Frankfurt Phonology colloquium remotely in Frankfurt/Tokio. Title: “The communicative effects of prosody-gesture integration – on highlighting and disambiguation”
List of my presentations:
Talk at the Workshop Multimodality in Social Interactions 2.0 in Marseille, France; 03.12.2024. Title: “Prosody-Gesture Interaction in Communication: On Highlighting and Disambiguation “
Talk (with Frank Kügler, Pilar Prieto & Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón) at the ViCom Annual meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany; 15.11.2024. Title: “Co-speech gestures and prosody as multimodal markers of information structure”
Talk (with Aleksandra Ćwiek, Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Frank Kügler & Pilar Prieto) at the ViCom Annual Meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany; 14.11.2024. Title: “Establishing acoustic correlates of prosodic prominence in German and Catalan using XGBoost and Bayesian modeling”
Talk (with Susanne Fuchs) at the ViCom Annual Meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany; 14.11.2024. Title: “Moving Meetings by Moving Prosody and Gesture”
Poster (with Susanne Fuchs) at the Second International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2024) in Frankfurt, Germany; 26.09.2024. Title: “Moving Meetings by Moving Prosody and Gesture”.
Received an award for the “Best student poster” at MMSYM 2024!
Poster (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Pilar Prieto & Frank Kügler) at Speech Prosody in Leiden, The Netherlands; 04.07.2024. Title: “Prosodic and Gestural Marking of focus types in Catalan and German”.
Talk (with Aleksandra Ćwiek, Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Frank Kügler & Pilar Prieto) at the Workshop “Prosody in Focus – Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives” at the DGfS 2024 in Bochum, Germany; 29.02.2024. Title: “Bridging the Gap – Exploring a Middle-Way Approach for Prosodic Annotation”.
Talk (with Natascha Schuldes & Frank Kügler) at the Workshop “Prosody in Focus – Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives” at the DGfS 2024 in Bochum, Germany; 28.02.2024. Title: “Let’s focus on Gesture and Prosody – Are they better together and deficient apart?”.
Talk (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Frank Kügler & Pilar Prieto) at the Roundtable on Multimodal Speech Data in Frankfurt, Germany; 25.01.2024. Title: “On eliciting multimodal data – the challenge between controlling the context and eliciting spontaneous speech and gesture”.
Talk (with Frank Kügler, Pilar Prieto & Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón) at the ViCom Annual Meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany; 09.11.2023. Title: “Co-speech gestures and prosody as multimodal markers of information structure”.
Talk (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Frank Kügler & Pilar Prieto) at the workshop Voices in Context – A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers in Cologne, Germany; 12.10.2023. Title: “Multimodal marking of prominence across focus types in German and Catalan”.
Poster (with Frank Kügler) at the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) in Prague, Czech Republic; 10.08.2023. Title: “Iconic Gestures in Focus – Synchronization of Prosody and Gesture in Prominence”.
Talk (with Andy Lücking and the ViCom Consortium) in the special session “Semantic Artificial and Computational Interaction Studies: Towards a Behavioromics of Multimodal Communication” at the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction in Copenhagen, Denmark; 23.07.2023. Title: “A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research”.
Talk (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Pilar Prieto & Frank Kügler) at the Workshop sobre la prosòdia del català (14a edició) in Barcelona, Spain; 21.07.2023. Title: “El marcatge prosòdic i gestural dels tipus de focus en llengua catalana: Un estudi de producció” (The prosodic and gestural marking of focus types in the Catalan language: A production study).
Talk in the Visual Communication Seminar Closing Workshop in Frankfurt, Germany; 14.07.2023. Title: “Gestural and prosodic prominence perception of multimodal focus marking in German and Catalan”.
Panel talk (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Pilar Prieto & Frank Kügler) at the Conference of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA 2023) in Brussels, Belgium; 10.07.2023. Title: “Focus types and the prosody-gesture link in Catalan and German: A production study”.
Talk (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón) at the Frankfurt Phonology Roundtable in Frankfurt, Germany; 05.06.2023. Title: “Prosody and Gesture as multimodal markers of focus in German and Catalan: A production study”.
Poster (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Pilar Prieto & Frank Kügler) at the 5th Phonetic and Phonology in Europe conference (PaPE) in Nijmegen, The Netherlands; 04.06.2023. Title: “Focus types and the prosody-gesture link in Catalan and German: A production study”.
Poster (with Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Pilar Prieto & Frank Kügler) at the First International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023) in Barcelona, Spain; 27.04.2023. Title: “The impact of focus types on the prosody-gesture link in (Catalan and) German: a focus elicitation production study”.
Poster (with Frank Kügler) at the First International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM 2023) in Barcelona, Spain; 26.04.2023. Title: “The Distribution of Non-Referential Gestures, Information Structure and Prosody: A Corpus Study on Prominence Peak Alignment”.
Talk (with Frank Kügler) at the Workshop “Ideophones and lexicalized iconicity in language” at the DGfS 2023 in Cologne, Germany; 09.03.2023. Title: “The Distribution of Non-Referential Gestures, Information Structure and Prosody: A Corpus Study on Prominence Peak Alignment”.
Talk in the Phonology Colloquium at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany; 12.01.2023. Title: “Co-speech Gestures, Information Structure and Prosody: The story so far”.
Talk (with Frank Kügler) at the 18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) conference in Bielefeld, Germany; 06.10.2023. Title: “The distribution of non-referential gestures, information structure and prosody: A corpus study on prominence peak alignment”.
Poster (with Frank Kügler) at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) 2021 in Sonderborg, Denmark; 06.12.2021. Title: “An empirical investigation on the perceptual similarity of prosodic language types”.