Also interesting!
Current: Part of the organizing committee for MMSYM 2024 in Frankfurt; Conference dates: 25.09. – 27.09.2024
April 2024: Radio Interview with the sender “hr1” on the topic “Gendersprache gibt Punktabzug im Abitur”
April 2023 – March 2024: Workshop coordination with Corinna Langer at the 46. DGfS in Bochum, Germany; Workshop Title: “Prosody in Focus – Prominence marking from multiple perspectives”; Workshop dates: 28.02. – 01.03.2024
January – February 2023: Research stay and lab visit at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
Since November 2022: PhD student representative and member of the Steering Committee in the ViCom Priority Programme (DFG, SPP 2392)
August 2021 – April 2022: Member of the commission board for the M.A. linguistics at Goethe University Frankfurt
April – September 2021: Part of the organizing committee for 17. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) in Frankfurt
April 2020 – September 2022: Student representative of the B.A. and M.A. studies of linguistics at Goethe University Frankfurt
Workshop attendance
- April 2024: Participant at the ViCom Mentoring Kickoff with Jan Van de Vyver in Bad Homburg, Germany
- February 2024: Participant at the Workshop “Introduction to Science Communication” with Verena Molitor in Bochum, Germany
- November 2023: Participant at the Workshop “How to PhD” with Sabine Preusse in Bad Homburg, Germany
- November 2023: Participant at the ViCom Visual Salience Workshop with Heinrich Liesefeld in Bad Homburg, Germany
- August 2023: Participant at the ViCom Statistics Workshop with Bodo Winter (statistics with R, tidyverse, statistical modeling, Bayesian statistics) in Frankfurt, Germany
- March 2023: Participant at the ViCom Theory Workshop in Königstein, Germany
- March 2023: Participant at the Workshop on OpenScience at Universität zu Köln (in 45. annual DGfS conference), Germany
- January 2023: Participant at M3D (gesture annotation system) workshop at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
- November 2022: Participant at the Workshop “Word Order in the Nominal Domain (WonDo)” at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
- December 2021: Participant at the Multimodal Analysis Workshop “Envision Boot Camp” at Leibniz ZAS Berlin, Germany (remote)
What I do in my other life
I am a climber! I love to climb indoors and outdoors and most of my free time, you will find me hanging off some wall…! If you’re interested in climbing action, you can find me on Instagram: